Largest Database In The World, The Top 10 - Page 5 of 13 - Newdich
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Largest Database In The World, The Top 10

 6. ChoicePoint
largest database
 Envision searching through a telephone directory containing a billion pages for a telephone number. At the point when the representatives at ChoicePoint need to know something about you, they need to do only that. In the event that printed out, the ChoicePoint database would reach out to the moon and back 77 times.

      ChoicePoint is in the matter of procuring data about the American populace – locations and telephone numbers, driving records, criminal histories, and so forth. ChoicePoint has everything.

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      Generally, the information found in ChoicePoint’s database is sold to the most elevated bidders, including the American government. Be that as it may, what amount does ChoicePoint truly know? In 2002 ChoicePoint could enable experts to unravel a serial attacker case in Philadelphia and Fort Collins in the wake of creating a rundown of 6 potential suspects by information mining their DNA and individual records databases.

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      In 2001 ChoicePoint could recognize the remaining parts of World Trade Center casualties by coordinating DNA found in bone pieces to the data gave by casualty’s relatives in conjunction to information found in their databases.
 By the Numbers:
 ▪250 terabytes of individual information
 ▪Information on 250 million individuals.