Largest Database In The World, The Top 10 - Page 8 of 13 - Newdich
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Largest Database In The World, The Top 10

 3. AT&T
largest database

Just like Sprint, the United States’ oldest telecommunications organization AT&T maintains one of the world’s largest databases. Architecturally, the largest AT&T database is the cream of the product as it boasts titles including the largest volume of data in one extraordinary database (312 terabytes) and the second largest number of lines in a one of a kind database (1.9 trillion), which includes AT&T’s extensive calling records.

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      The 1.9 trillion calling records incorporate data on the number called, the time and duration of the call and different other charging categories. AT&T is so meticulous with their records that they’ve maintained calling data from decades prior – some time before the technology to store many terabytes of data at any point ended up plainly accessible.

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      Odds are, in case you’re perusing this have made a call by means of AT&T, the organization still has the greater part of your call’s information.
 By the Numbers:
 ▪ 323 terabytes of information
 ▪ 1.9 trillion telephone calresearchers.